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Here you will learn everything about JavaScript in such an easy and simple way. We will make small steps in every lesson, that will help us to gradually grasp JavaScript concepts. Let's do it!

Tutorial Sections


Section 1

  1. Your first JavaScript file
  2. Variables
  3. Strings
  4. Boolean
  5. Conditional Statements Part 1
  6. Conditional Statements Part 2
  7. Conditional Statements Part 3
  8. Conditional Statements Part 4
  9. Undefined
  10. Loops Part 1
  11. Loops Part 2
  12. Loops Part 3
  13. Summary

Section 2

You will learn about functions in this section:

  1. Introduction to Functions
  2. Anonymous Functions
  3. Arrow Functions
  4. JavaScript Scope
  5. Closures
  6. Summary

Section 3

You will learn about Arrays in this section:

  1. Arrays
  2. Modifying Arrays
  3. Display Array Items
  4. Array Helpers Part 1
  5. Array Helpers Part 2
  6. Array Helpers Part 3
  7. Spread Operator
  8. Some practice
  9. Summary

Section 4

You will learn about Objects in this section:

  1. Objects
  2. Extra Practice
  3. Display Objects
  4. Data Types Part 1
  5. Data Types Part 2
  6. Structural Types Part 1
  7. Structural Types Part 2
  8. The Big Picture
  9. Window & This
  10. Extra Practice
  11. Custom Constructors
  12. Prototypes Part 1
  13. Prototypes Part 2
  14. Prototypes Part 3
  15. Prototypes Part 4
  16. Extra Practice
  17. Shallow And Deep Copy

Section 5

You will learn more things about functions in this section:

  1. Call()
  2. Apply()
  3. Bind()
  4. Arguments
  5. Const
  6. Let
  7. Variable Declaration
  8. Extra Practice

Section 6

You will learn about classes in this section:

  1. Classes
  2. Getters & Methods
  3. Getters & Setters
  4. Static methods and properties
  5. Inheritance
  6. The super Keyword

Section 7

You will learn about document object model (DOM) in this section:

  1. Introduction to DOM
  2. Getting Elements
  3. DOM Nodes 1
  4. DOM Nodes 2
  5. Creating Elements
  6. Styling Elements
  7. Events 1
  8. Events 2


  1. Getting Started
  2. NPM
  3. http Module 1
  4. http Module 2
  5. path Module
  6. fs Module
  7. Node.js Streams

Advanced Topics

  1. Promises
  2. async/await
  3. Fetch

YouTube Tutorial

You can watch this tutorial on YouTube:

  1. JavaScript Basics
  2. JavaScript Functions
  3. JavaScript Arrays
  4. JavaScript Objects Part 1
  5. JavaScript Objects Part 2
  6. JavaScript Advanced Function Methods
  7. JavaScript Classes
  8. JavaScript DOM
  9. Nodejs
  10. JavaScript Tutorial Playlist


  • Nawras Ali made this tutorial, hoping everyone can learn JavaScript in a simple and fast way.