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4.9 Window & This

The Window Object

Task 1: Write an alert with your name in JavaScript.


Task 2: Re-do task 1 using window.alert().


Task 3: log window in the console.


The result is: Window {parent: Window, opener: null, top: Window, length: 0, frames: Window, …}

Task 4: What is the type of window? Hint: use typeof window.

console.log(typeof window);

The result is: object

Task 5: Represent a web page object in JavaScript. The web page has a title of "Window Object", and a description of "What is the window object? and what does it represent?". Display this object in the console.

var webPage = {
  title: "Window Object",
  description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"


The result is: {title: "Window Object", description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"}

Task 6: Refer to task 5; Log window.webPage in the console, what is the result?

var webPage = {
  title: "Window Object",
  description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"


The result is: {title: "Window Object", description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"}

Task 7: Refer to task 5; Is webPage a property of the window object?

var webPage = {
  title: "Window Object",
  description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"


The result is: true

Task 8: Store "Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue." in a variable, and log it in the console.

var myWord = "Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.";


The result is: Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.

Task 9: Refer to task 8; Log window.myWord in the console, what is the result?

var myWord = "Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.";


The result is: Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.

Task 10: Refer to task 8; Is myWord a property of the window object?

var myWord = "Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.";


The result is: true

Task 11: Create a function expression that returns true. Log the result in the console.

var returnsTrue = () => true;


The result is: true

Task 12: Refer to task 11; Log window.returnsTrue in the console, what is the result?

var returnsTrue = () => true;


The result is: true

Task 13: Refer to task 11; Is returnsTrue a property of the window object?

var returnsTrue = () => true;


The result is: true

The Window Object

The window object represents the current web browser window.

All the global variables and objects are properties of the window object.

All the global functions are methods of the window object.

This Keyword

Global Context

Task 14: You have the object below, what is the result of this.obj.

var webPage = {
  title: "Window Object",
  description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"


This result is: {title: "Window Object", description: "What is the window object? and what does it represent?"}

Task 15: You have the variable below, what is the result of this.variable.

var myWord = "Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.";


This result is: Only knowledge can free and save us, but with knowledge must go virtue.

Task 16: You have the function below, what is the result of this.func.

var returnsTrue = () => true;


This result is: true

Task 17: What is the result of window === this?

console.log(window === this);

The result is: true

this in the global context

this keyword refers to the window object when it is used in the global scope.

Function Context

Task 18: Create a regular function that returns this keyword.

function returnsThis(){
  return this;


The result is: Window {parent: Window, opener: null, top: Window, length: 0, frames: Window, …}

Task 19: Check the following code.

var a = "I'm in the global scope";

function returnsA(){
  var a = "I'm in the local scope";
  return this.a;


The result is: I'm in the global scope

this in the function context

this keyword refers to the window object when it is used inside the function.


Task 20: Represent a laptop object in JavaScript. This laptop has an Intel i5 processor, 2GB RAM, 4GB additional RAM, and 0.5TB storage.

var laptop = {
  processor: "i5",
  ram: 2,
  storage: "0.5TB",
  additionalRAM : 4


This result is: {processor: "i5", ram: 2, storage: "0.5TB", additionalRAM: 4}

Task 21: Re-create the object created in task 20, and add totalRAM property. Its value is the result of adding additionalRAM to ram.

var laptop = {
  processor: "i5",
  ram: 2,
  storage: "0.5TB",
  additionalRAM : 4,
  totalRAM: ram + additionalRAM


This result is: Uncaught ReferenceError: ram is not defined

ram is actually window.ram, and there is no global called ram in our program; that is why we got an error.

Task 22: Use this.ram and this.additionalRAM instead of ram and additionalRAM, respectively.

var laptop = {
  processor: "i5",
  ram: 2,
  storage: "0.5TB",
  additionalRAM : 4,
  totalRAM: this.ram + this.additionalRAM


This result is: NaN

this.ram and this.additionalRAM are not defined in the global scope, hence both this.ram and this.additionalRAM are undefined.

undefined + undefined evaluates to NaN.

Task 23: Check the code below.

var laptop = {
  processor: "i5",
  ram: 2,
  storage: "0.5TB",
  additionalRAM : 4,
  totalRAM: function(){
    return this.ram + this.additionalRAM;


The result is: 6

totalRAM is an object method because its value is a function.

In task 23; this refers to laptop object itself.

Task 24: Re-do task 23; return this from totalRAM function.

var laptop = {
  processor: "i5",
  ram: 2,
  storage: "0.5TB",
  additionalRAM : 4,
  totalRAM: function(){
    return this;


The result is: {processor: "i5", ram: 2, storage: "0.5TB", additionalRAM: 4, totalRAM: ƒ}

this in the object

this keyword refers to the window object when it is used inside the object. However, it refers to the object itself when it is used in the value of an object method.