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4.12 Prototypes Part 1


Task 1: Create a constructor that creates phone instances. Use the user phone below.

var phone = {
  os: null,
  ram: null,
  storage: null

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");


The result is: Phone {os: "Android", ram: "2GB", storage: "36GB"}

Task 2: Refer to task 1; what the type of Phone?

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");

console.log(typeof Phone);

The result is: function

Task 3: Refer to task 1; is Phone an instance of Object?

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");

console.log(Phone instanceof Object);

The result is: true

Task 4: Refer to task 1; what is the prototype of Phone?

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");


The result is: {constructor: ƒ}

Task 5: Refer to task 4; what is the type of Phone prototype?

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");

console.log(typeof Phone.prototype);

The result is: object

Task 6: Refer to task 4; Phone.prototype is an object, can you access its constructor property?

function Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;

var phone1 = new Phone("Android", "2GB", "36GB");


The result is as follows:

ƒ Phone(os, ram, stg){
  this.os = os;
  this.ram = ram; = stg;


Phone is a constructor function. It is also an object. It is an instance of Object constructor.

Phone inherits the properties and methods from its prototype object. You can access Phone prototype using Phone.prototype.

Set Prototype

Task 7: What is the prototype of the Set constructor?


The result is: Set {constructor: ƒ, has: ƒ, add: ƒ, delete: ƒ, clear: ƒ, …}

Task 8: Refer to task 7; what is the type of Set prototype?

console.log(typeof Set.prototype);

The result is: object ‍‍‍

Task 9: Refer to task 7; Set.prototype has add method. Log its value in the console.


The result is: ƒ add() { [native code] }

Task 10: Create a new Set instance using the Set constructor.

var set1 = new Set();


The result is: Set(0) {}

Task 11: Use add method to add 5 to task 10 set1. Hint: use set1.add(5).

var set1 = new Set();



The result is: Set(1) {5}

Task 12: Refer to task 11; add 8 to set1.

var set1 = new Set();



The result is: Set(2) {5, 8}

Task 13: Refer to task 12; add 5 to set1.

var set1 = new Set();



The result is: Set(2) {5, 8}


A set is a collection of unique elements.

Task 14: Refer to task 7; Set.prototype has delete method. Log its value in the console.


The result is: ƒ delete() { [native code] }

Task 15: Use the delete method to remove 8 from task 13 set1. Hint: use set1.delete(8).

var set1 = new Set();



The result is: Set(1) {5}

Task 16: Refer to task 7; Set.prototype has clear method. Log its value in the console.


The result is: ƒ clear() { [native code] }

Task 17: Use clear method to remove all elements from task 15 set1. Hint: use set1.clear().

var set1 = new Set();



The result is: Set(0) {}

Prototype and Constructors

You can check the methods and properties that a constructor supports by studying its prototype.

When you create a constructor or use a built-in constructor, this constructor automatically inherits the properties and methods from its prototype.

Prototype Chain

Task 18: Set is a built-in constructor, its prototype is an object. What is the type of Set? Is Set an instance of Object constructor?

console.log(`The type of Set constructor: ${typeof Set}`);
console.log(`Is Set constructor an instance of Object constructor: ${Set instanceof Object}`);

The result is as follows:

The type of Set constructor: function
Is Set constructor an instance of Object constructor: true

Task 19: What is the type of Set.prototype? is Set.prototype an instance of Object constructor?

console.log(`The type of Set.prototype: ${typeof Set.prototype}`);
console.log(`Is Set.prototype an instance of Object constructor: ${Set.prototype instanceof Object}`);

The result is as follows:

The type of Set.prototype: object
Is Set.prototype an instance of Object constructor: true

Task 20: Set.prototype is an object; hence, it inherits the properties and methods of Object constructor. The Object constructor inherits the properties and the methods of its prototype. What is Object.prototype?


The result is: {constructor: ƒ, defineGetter: ƒ, defineSetter: ƒ, hasOwnProperty: ƒ, lookupGetter: ƒ, …}

Task 21: Set.prototype is an object. We cannot access its prototype by using prototype property because prototype property is used on constructors. Instead, you can use obj.__proto__ to access the prototype of an instance. What is the prototype of Set.prototype?


The result is: {constructor: ƒ, defineGetter: ƒ, defineSetter: ƒ, hasOwnProperty: ƒ, lookupGetter: ƒ, …}

Task 22: Refer to task 20 and task 21; is Set.prototype.__proto__ equal to Object.prototype?

console.log(Set.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype);

The result is: true

Task 23: What is the type of Object.prototype?

console.log(typeof Object.prototype);

The result is: object

Task 24: Object.prototype is an object; what is its prototype?


The result is: null

Prototype Chain

Every object has a prototype, which is a basic template that has basic properties and methods for an object.

You can access the prototype of a constructor using constructorName.prototype. While you can access the prototype of an object using obj.__proto__.

Every object/constructor is an instance of the Object constructor.

The root of all objects is null; which is itself an object. However, null has no properties or methods.