5.1 Call()¶
Basic Call()¶
Task 1: Create a regular function that displays Hello
in the console.
function displayHello(){
The result is: Hello
Task 2: Refer to task 1; call displayHello
using displayHello.call()
function displayHello(){
The result is: Hello
Task 3: Create a regular function that greets a user by his/name.
function greetUser(name){
console.log(`Hello ${name}`);
The result is: Hello Nawras
Task 4: Refer to task 3; call greetUser
using greetUser.call(this, "Nawras")
function greetUser(name){
console.log(`Hello ${name}`);
greetUser.call(this, "Nawras");
The result is: Hello Nawras
Task 5: Create a regular function that returns this
keyword. Call this function using funcName.call()
function returnsThis(){
return this;
var val = returnsThis.call();
The result is: Window {parent: Window, opener: null, top: Window, length: 0, frames: Window, …}
Task 6: Create a regular function that returns a * b
. Call the function using functionName.call()
function mul(a, b){
return a * b;
var res = mul.call(this, 20, 8);
The result is: 160
Task 7: Create a regular function that returns num1 + num2 + num3 + num4
. Call the function using functionName.call()
function add(num1, num2, num3, num4){
return num1 + num2 + num3 + num4;
var res = add.call(this, 5, 6, 0, 1);
The result is: 12
Task 8: Create a function that returns the boolean representation of a value. Call the function using functionName.call()
function validateValue(value){
return !!value;
var res1 = validateValue.call(this, null);
var res2 = validateValue.call(this, 1);
var res3 = validateValue.call(this, undefined);
console.log(res1, res2, res3);
The result is: false true false
1. Call()
is a method to call a function.
More on Call()¶
Task 9: Refer to task 5; call the function using returnsThis.call({})
function returnsThis(){
return this;
var val = returnsThis.call({});
The result is: {}
Task 10: Refer to task 9; call the function using returnsThis.call(obj)
function returnsThis(){
return this;
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
var val = returnsThis.call(obj);
The result is: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
Task 11: Refer to task 9; call the function using returnsThis.call(window)
function returnsThis(){
return this;
var val = returnsThis.call(window);
The result is: Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: "", location: Location, …}
Task 12: Refer to task 7; call the function with this=window
function add(num1, num2, num3, num4){
return num1 + num2 + num3 + num4;
var res = add.call(window, 5, 6, 0, 1);
The result is: 12
Task 13: Refer to task 12; call the function with this=obj
function add(num1, num2, num3, num4){
return num1 + num2 + num3 + num4;
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 2
var res = add.call(obj, 5, 6, 0, 1);
The result is: 12
Task 14: Given the object below, call the returning
method using call(window)
var obj = {
returning: function(){
return this;
var result = obj.returning.call(window);
The result is: Window {window: Window, self: Window, document: document, name: "", location: Location, …}
Task 15: Refer to task 14; call the returning
method using call(obj)
var obj = {
returning: function(){
return this;
var result = obj.returning.call(obj);
The result is: {returning: ƒ}
Task 16: Refer to task 14; call the returning
method using call({})
var obj = {
returning: function(){
return this;
var result = obj.returning.call({});
The result is: {}
Task 17: Refer to task 14; call the returning
method using call(obj2)
var obj = {
returning: function(){
return this;
var obj2 = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
var result = obj.returning.call(obj2);
The result is: {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
2. Call()
allows us to specify the object that this
keyword refers to when the function is called.
Call() & Object methods¶
Task 18: Given the objects below; call person1.bio
method on person2
var person1 = {
name: "Ola",
profession: "doctor",
hobby: "cooking",
bio: function(){
return `${this.name} is a ${this.profession} and she loves ${this.hobby}`;
person2 = {
name: "Ali",
profession: "joy creator",
hobby: "Creating new things"
var result = person1.bio.call(person2);
The result is: Ali is a joy creator and she loves Creating new things
Task 19: Given the objects below; call song1.description
method on song2
var song1 = {
title: "Orobroy",
artist: "Dorantes",
album: "PASSO A DUE",
description: function(){
return `A beautiful song by ${this.artist} from his ${this.album} album.`;
var song2 = {
album: "Purple Rain",
artist: "Prince"
var result = song1.description.call(song2);
The result is: A beautiful song by Prince from his Purple Rain album.
Task 20: Given the objects below; call lang1.stableReleaseVerbose
method on lang2
var lang1 = {
name: "Python",
stableRelease: "3.8.3",
stableReleaseVerbose: function(){
return `The stable release of ${this.name} is ${this.stableRelease}.`;
var lang2 = {
name: "PHP",
stableRelease: "7.4.10"
var result = lang1.stableReleaseVerbose.call(lang2);
The result is: The stable release of PHP is 7.4.10.
3. Call()
allows us to call an object method on another object.
Call() with Arguments¶
Task 21: Given the objects below; call epic1.comment
method on epic2
object with epic2.author="Valmiki"
var epic1 = {
name: "Mahabharata",
author: "Vyasa",
language: "Sanskrit",
verses: 200000,
comment: function(){
return `${this.name} is a worth-reading epic. It is written in the ${this.language} language by ${this.author}.`
var epic2 = {
name: "Ramayana",
language: "Sanskrit"
var result = epic1.comment.call(epic2, epic2.author="Valmiki");
The result is: Ramayana is a worth-reading epic. It is written in the Sanskrit language by Valmiki.
Task 22: Given the object below; call obj1.average
method on {total:60}
object with count=3
var obj1 = {
total: 80,
average: function(count){
return this.total/count;
var result = obj1.average.call({total:60}, 3);
The result is: 20
Task 23: Given the object below; call obj1.calc
method on {a: 5, b: 2}}
object with randomNumber=10
var obj1 = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
calc: function(randomNumber){
return this.a + this.b + randomNumber;
var result = obj1.calc.call({a: 5, b: 2}, 10);
The result is: 17
Task 24: Given the objects below; call user1.more
method on user2 object
with group="group nine"
var user1 = {
name: "Sanad",
more: function(group){
return `${this.name} is from ${group}`
var user2 = {
name: "Jad"
var result = user1.more.call(user2, "group nine");
The result is: Jad is from group nine
Task 25: Given the objects below; call galaxy1.info
method on galaxy2
object with user1
, user2
, and user3
var galaxy1 = {
name: "Milky Way",
desc: "the galaxy containing the solar system, sun and earth",
info: function(user1, user2, user3){
return `${this.name} is ${this.desc}. Here is what people say about this galaxy: ${user1.comment}, ${user2.comment}, ${user3.comment}...etc.`
var galaxy2 = {
name: "Large Magellanic Cloud",
desc: "visible only from the southern hemisphere"
var user1 = {
name: "Jad",
comment: "It is amazing"
var user2 = {
name: "Sanad",
comment: "Wow!"
var user3 = {
name: "Ali",
comment: "I love stars!"
var result = galaxy1.info.call(galaxy2, user1, user2, user3);
The result is: Large Magellanic Cloud is visible only from the southern hemisphere. Here is what people say about this galaxy: It is amazing, Wow!, I love stars!...etc.
4. Call()
allows us to call an object method on another object with providing arguments.
Call() & Constructor Inheritance¶
Task 26: Check the following code.
function Food(group){
this.group = group;
function Fruit(name, group){
Food.call(this, group)
this.name = name;
var apple = new Fruit("apple", "fruits");
The result is as follows:
Task 27: Call Entity
constructor in Organization
using Call()
function Entity(name){
this.name = name;
function Organization(name, goal){
this.goal = goal;
Entity.call(this, name);
var org1 = new Organization("UN", "To achieve international cooperation");
The result is as follows:
To achieve international cooperation
Task 28: Call Device
constructor in WashingMachine
using Call()
function Device(name, energyUsed){
this.name = name;
this.energyUsed = energyUsed;
function WashingMaching(name, energyUsed, automatic){
this.automatic = automatic;
Device.call(this, name, energyUsed);
var wM1= new WashingMaching("Washing Machine", "Electrical", true);
The result is as follows:
Washing Machine
Task 29: Call Person
constructor in Programmer
using Call()
function Person(name, height, weight, eyesColor, country){
this.name = name;
this.height = height;
this.weight = weight;
this.eyesColor = eyesColor;
this.country = country;
function Programmer(name, height, weight, eyesColor, country, languagesUsed, yearsOfExperience){
this.languagesUsed = languagesUsed;
this.yearsOfExperience = yearsOfExperience;
Person.call(this, name, height, weight, eyesColor, country);
var programmer1 = new Programmer("Ali", "100cm", "30KG", "blue", "Jordan", "secretLanguage", 4);
The result is: Programmer {languagesUsed: "secretLanguage", yearsOfExperience: 4, name: "Ali", height: "100cm", weight: "30KG", …}
Task 30: Call Thing
constructor in Laptop
using Call()
function Thing(name, func){
this.name = name;
this.func = func;
function Laptop(name, func, processor, priceRange){
this.processor = processor;
this.priceRange = priceRange;
Thing.call(this, name, func);
var laptop1 = new Laptop("Laptop", "computation", "Intel i7", "500-1000USD");
The result is: Laptop {processor: "Intel i7", priceRange: "500-1000USD", name: "Laptop", func: "computation"}
5. Call()
Calling a constructor within another constructor using call()
makes the second constructor inherits all the properties and methods of the first constructor.