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6.3 Getters & Setters

The Underscore Prefix

Task 1: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.thickness = thickness;
    this.material = material;

  get width(){
    return this.width;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property width of # < Door > which has only a getter at new Door

Task 2: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.thickness = thickness;
    this.material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: 0.9

Task 3: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this.$width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.thickness = thickness;
    this.material = material;

  get width(){
    return this.$width;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: 0.9

Task 4: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this.Owidth = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.thickness = thickness;
    this.material = material;

  get width(){
    return this.Owidth;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: 0.9


When we add a getter method that has the same name as a class property, we get an error.

To solve this, we precede the original class properties by a character. Therefore, we can distinguish the original properties from the getter methods.

The original prefix can be anything. By convention, we use _ as a prefix.


Task 5: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: 2.1

Task 6: Refer to task 5; Add a getter for the thickness property in the following class.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: 0.24

Task 7: Refer to task 6; Add a getter for the material property in the following class.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;
  get material(){
    return this._material;

let door1 = new Door(0.9, 2.1, 0.24, "Wood");


The result is: Wood


Task 8: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;
  get material(){
    return this._material;

  set width(w){
    this._width = w;

let door1 = new Door();
door1.width = 1.1;

The result is: 1.1

Task 9: Study the following example.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;
  get material(){
    return this._material;

  set width(w){
    this._width = w;
  set height(h){
    this._height = h;

let door1 = new Door();
door1.height = 1.5;

The result is: 1.5

Task 10: Add a setter method for the thickness property in the following class.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;
  get material(){
    return this._material;

  set width(w){
    this._width = w;
  set height(h){
    this._height = h;
  set thickness(t){
    this._thickness = t;

let door1 = new Door();
door1.thickness = 0.2;

The result is: 0.2

Task 11: Add a setter method for the material property in the following class.

class Door{

  constructor(width, height, thickness, material){
    this._width = width;
    this._height = height;
    this._thickness = thickness;
    this._material = material;

  get width(){
    return this._width;
  get height(){
    return this._height;
  get thickness(){
    return this._thickness;
  get material(){
    return this._material;

  set width(w){
    this._width = w;
  set height(h){
    this._height = h;
  set thickness(t){
    this._thickness = t;
  set material(m){
    this._material = m;

let door1 = new Door();
door1.material = "Iron";

The result is: Iron


By convention, the set and get methods have the same name as the original property.

Basic Usage

Task 12: Study the following example.

class User{

  constructor(name, password){
    this._name = name;
    this._password = password;

    return password.toString().length > 12 ? true : false;

  set password(p){
      this._password = p;

  get password(){
    return this._password;

let user1 = new User("Nawras", "sjdkspabhfsd");
user1.password = "123";


The result is: sjdkspabhfsd

Task 13: Study the following example.

class User{

  constructor(name, password){
    this._name = name;
    this._password = password;

    return password.toString().length > 12 ? true : false;

  set password(p){
      this._password = p;

  get password(){
    return this._password;

let user1 = new User("Nawras", "sjdkspabhfsd");
user1.password = "imverystrongpassword";


The result is: imverystrongpassword

Task 14: Study the following example.

class Student{

  /* Constructor */
  constructor(id, name, mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4){ = id; = name;
    this.mark1 = mark1;
    this.mark2 = mark2;
    this.mark3 = mark3;
    this.mark4 = mark4;

  /* Methods */
    return (this.mark1 + this.mark2 + this.mark3 + this.mark4) / 4;
    return this.studentAverage() >= 60 ? "has passed" : "has failed";
    return `The student ${} of the id ${} got an average of ${this.studentAverage()}%. ${} ${this.passed()}.`

  /* Getters */
  get info(){
    return this._info();

let student1 = new Student(56, "Ali Ali", 60, 50, 70, 90);

The result is: The student Ali Ali of the id 56 got an average of 67.5%. Ali Ali has passed.

Task 15: Study the following example.

class diskSpace{

  /* Constructor */
  constructor(id, size){ = id;
    this.size = size; // in bytes

  /* Methods */
      return this.size / 1024;
      return this.size / 1024 / 1024;
      return this.size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024;

  /* Getters */
  get KB(){
    return this.sizeInKB();
  get MB(){
    return this.sizeInMB();
  get GB(){
    return this.sizeInGB();

let space1 = new diskSpace(45, 1024);
let space2 = new diskSpace(55, 2048000);
let space3 = new diskSpace(87, 5000000540);


The result is as follows:


Should we use getters and setters in our class?

Use getters and setters to:

  1. validate the given properties values before setting them.
  2. hide the logic behind setting values.

Extra Practice

Task 16: Represent vehicles in JavaScript class.

let vehicle = {
  name: null,
  type: null,
  color: null

class Vehicle{

  /* Constructor */
  constructor(name, type, color){ = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.color = color;

let vehicle1 = new Vehicle("Alfa Romeo", "car", "red");
let vehicle2 = new Vehicle("Honda", "truck", "white");


The result is as follows:

Vehicle {name: "Alfa Romeo", type: "car", color: "red"}
Vehicle {name: "Honda", type: "truck", color: "white"}

Task 17: Refer to task 16; add the info method to the Vehicle class.

let vehicle = {
  name: null,
  type: null,
  color: null,
  info: function(){
    return `The ${this.color} ${} is an amazing ${this.type} vehicle`;

class Vehicle{

  /* Constructor */
  constructor(name, type, color){ = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.color = color;

  /* Methods */
    return `The ${this.color} ${} is an amazing ${this.type} vehicle`;

let vehicle1 = new Vehicle("Alfa Romeo", "car", "red");
let vehicle2 = new Vehicle("Honda", "truck", "white");


The result is as follows:

The red Alfa Romeo is an amazing car vehicle
The white Honda is an amazing truck vehicle

Task 18: Refer to task 17; add a getter to the info method.

class Vehicle{

  /* Constructor */
  constructor(name, type, color){ = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.color = color;

  /* Methods */
    return `The ${this.color} ${} is an amazing ${this.type} vehicle`;

  /* Getters */
  get info(){
    return this._info();

let vehicle1 = new Vehicle("Alfa Romeo", "car", "red");
let vehicle2 = new Vehicle("Honda", "truck", "white");


The result is as follows:

The red Alfa Romeo is an amazing car vehicle
The white Honda is an amazing truck vehicle